Today might be my birthday, but today is not about me, it is all about Alexandra. Since Anthony has had so much of the focus lately, we thought it was time to do something with just Alexandra, Mommy and Daddy. We had never been to Disney, so this was the perfect opportunity. Anthony got dropped off at Oma's ~ she was on duty for the day. We drove from Cocoa Beach to Orlando early in the morning. Daddy and I had discussed this, we were not going to tell Alexandra where we were going, it would make for a really long car ride. There is only so many times I can hear "are we at Disney yet?" When we pulled onto the main road and she started seeing all the Disney signs and Characters ~ it was starting to sink in. Something big was going to happen ~ but she was not sure what yet.

After getting our tickets and making our way through the gates, we instantly greeted by Daisey ~ Alexandra was very impressed. So, li
ke good little soldiers, we waited in line for about 30 mins to have our picture taken with her. What happened to the days of the characters just randomly walking around the park? Now they are assigned areas, you have to wait in line and they get "snack breaks." The next stop was the parade and then story time with Belle. She just could not believe all the princesses were at one place ~ so exciting. She was not thrilled about the long lines and the heat, but she loved the experience. Daddy and Mommy really enjoyed watching her. Her favorite part was the Dumbo ride and of course ~ meeting Minnie and all the Princesses.

Alexandra loves Disney and was completely spoiled rotten during the whole thing. She deserved it ~ she has been very patient with the adjustment of welcoming Anthony to the family. It is hard going from center of attention to sharing the attention. I can only hope that she was always be patient with her brother ~ time will only tell.