Tuesday night we noticed a funny rash on Alexandra while giving her a bath. We called the doctor, initially thinking it could be chicken pox, but they said most likely an allergic reaction and we should give her some medicine and if things are not better in the morning, come on in! Well, the night went fine, morning came and I almost did not recognize my beautiful little girl. She was covered from head to toe in a scary looking rash. Off to the doctor we went. After describing the symptoms, we had a rapid strep test done and discovered it was strep. I, of course, could not understand how that was possible since she had not had a soar throat, fever or any other symptoms you would normally associate with strep. So we learned about a new thing ~ Scarlet fever~ apparently the skin version of strep. Leave it to Alexandra to bring home something new
Yikes! I hope she is feeling better soon. - Mel and Rob