Since we were in Cocoa Beach, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and take the kids to the beach. This was Anthony's first experience - and man did he love it. The first day, Daddy did not go with us because he had gone running in the morning. So Oma joined for some fun in the sun. Anth
ony is all about the walking now, of course he still prefers the "guided tour."
He loved the feel of the sand in his toes. Alexandra was a little more cautious, forgetting that she had been to the beach a few times last year. After some coaching, she was finally willing to let go of my hand and let the "small waves" hit her feet. The big ones still made her a little nervous. By Sunday, when we went with Daddy, she was a real pro. She was running up and down the shoreline letting the water come up to her knees without holding anyone's hand. She was so proud of herself. 

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