Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Visitors from Abroad

We had some company from my cousin Tina and Wolf this weekend. They always come to Florida to get away and relax. The drove up to Jacksonville for the day and we all went out to dinner together. It is always great seeing the extended German family.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sticky Faced Monster

Kids can not be trusted. I was on the phone today and not paying attention to what Alexandra was doing. Typically she is in the other room playing with her "people" or just watching TV. After a few minutes, I realized it had gotten way to quite in the house. I called for her, but no answer. That promptly informed me that she was into something she should not be. I started my search in the bedroom - no Alexandra. Keep in mind she has been testing us like crazy since I am so tired from working all day and being pregnant she has been getting away with a lot more than normal. I moved into the kitchen, still no Alexandra. Checked the guest room - nope not there. I walked back into the kitchen and the little Sticky Faced Monster was looking right at me. I thought it was so cute, I could not even get mad about her wasting all my sticky notes.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Safety 1st

Alexandra got her first scooter this weekend. She was very excited. We are all about the safety element. She proudly put on her helmet and knee pads. Alexandra is not always the most coordinated kid on the block, so it was important that she learned the rules quickly, no riding the scooter without her protective gear. After a few adjustments of the helmet and knee pads - we were ready for fun! She loves this thing, although I am wondering how long it will keep her attention. She was asking if it had a place to put her "people".