Thursday, December 9, 2010

Goodbye Old Pal

Today was by far the hardest day of our marriage and lift together so far. We had to make the decision to put our first dog, Maverick, to sleep. We found out last Saturday that Maverick had developed lymph cancer. I took him in for what we thought was his routine annual shots and they discovered the "lumps". After a round of blood work and an attempt at some steroid pills that did not help, we made the right decision for him, and us. Daddy and I took Maverick in, and then had a drink in his honor. We will never have another dog like Maverick - he was the best! Rest in peace buddy, you are always in our hearts.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

He Talks!

Although, we seem to have lost the secret decoder ring. Anthony has recently started "talking" - if we can really call it that. We are still having a hard time understanding exactly what he is saying, but I can say this for sure - he seems to know exactly what it is he is trying to communicate. Some words are as clear as day - my favorite saying "I love you Mommies" - he has more than one? He has also mastered the "open this please" and "all done" or the ever popular "more please." If you don't understand him and ask him to repeat it - it is the exact same "verbiage" as the first go around - so soon, he should be up to understandable full sentences.
Other popular words currently used are:
Hailey, Hey Dude, Holy Moly, Good Boy, I see you, I got you, drink, water, huggie, good nite, I love you.