Sunday, February 28, 2010

We're Off to see the Wizard

Today Alexandra and Gamma went to see the Wizard of Oz play. Gamma picked her up, they went and got popcorn at Target and went to the play. Alexandra loves all kinds of musicals but is a really big fan of Dourthy and the Ruby Red Slippers.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

And we have Silence

It is saturday morning, and almost 9:30am and little Mrs. Alexandra is still sleeping. I am sure you all know how much Alexandra loves to talk, from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep. Daddy is out doing the Ortega River run so Anthony and I are spending quality time making waffles and enjoying a little silence

Mommy and Daddy Lay Down the Law

Alexandra has had a few rough days in school lately. Each day she has been coming home with a bad daily showing that she is talking too much during class, having problems listening and has visited time out each day, multiple times. We thought this has to stop, so we put our foot down last Tuesday. Daddy had picked them up from school, so he told Alexandra no TV or junk food when she got home tonight and that it would continue until she started acting better at school. That evening went great. There was no fighting, crying, no drama at all. Very different than the typically night at the Adams Household. For the rest of the week Alexandra has come home with a great daily sheet. Apparently, it is time for us to start "restriction" - it seems to work.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hat Contest

Today we decided to try on some of Daddy's hats. He has this box of things that he keeps and happened to have it out - the kids of course had to get into everything. It was actually Anthony but Alexandra will not let him get a second of attention without being involved. So - she had to try them on too. Not sure who looked cuter - but I do know - that life will be full of adventure with these too.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Circle of Friends

Alexandra has always loved her stuffed animals. She really started her obsession with them sometime around the age of one and a half. For every "special occasion" she would get a new one. It started by Gamma buying the Mickey Mouse family and has really expanded to all finds of stuffed animals. She has 11 Minnnie Mouses - Mommy Pink Minnie, Baby Pink Minnie, Ballerina Minnie, Princess Minnie, Aurora Minnie, Red Minnie, Stripped Minnie, Green Minnie, Paris Minnie, Christmas Minnie, and Talking Minnie. The inventory of these Minnie's must be checked frequently - since they are mostly her traveling companions. They used to be called her "people" but now ~ since she is all about being the "teacher" ~ they are all called her children. I know she will be a great mom one day!

Alexandra puts her foot down

I was taking the kids to school this morning and Daddy gave them both a kiss and hug goodbye while they were in their carseats. Alexandra was crying, as usual, because daddy gave Anthony his kiss and hug first. So he came around to her side and told her not to be a cry baby. I got in the car and off we went. Alexandra started crying more and more saying daddy called her a baby. She informed me that her name was not baby it was Goosey. For all of you who do not know, I call Alexandra Goosey. I told her that is not her name, it is just a nickname. She then shared with me that daddy is supposed to call her Poop-a-Loops (his nickname for her). She did tell me that her name was Goosey Poop-a-Loops Alexandra Marie Adams ~ that is a mouthful.

We were pulling into school and she let me know that she did not want to have a brother anymore. She just wanted her family to have a mommy, daddy, daughter, dog and cat. Then two minutes later, she was telling me "I mean look at him mommy, isn't Anthony cute. I think we should keep him." Kids - they say the cutest things.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Future Profession

We picked up Anthony from daycare today and they told us that he had successfully pulled his pants off while napping in his crib. That is odd. We typically have a problem with pants being too tight, not too big. So, this evening we were at home playing in his room and I turned around to see the perfect shot.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Compliments - from all ages!

Alexandra is really a super little girl. She is so full of love and is a real cuddle bug. Lately, she has been saying things like "I want to tell you something mommy, I think you are really beautiful." A few days ago, I told her I thought she was gorgeous. She was not sure what it meant, so after a small explanation - she has incorporated it into her vocabulary. Even if she only says it to me, she thinks I am really gorgeous!

Strep or Scarlet Fever?

Tuesday night we noticed a funny rash on Alexandra while giving her a bath. We called the doctor, initially thinking it could be chicken pox, but they said most likely an allergic reaction and we should give her some medicine and if things are not better in the morning, come on in! Well, the night went fine, morning came and I almost did not recognize my beautiful little girl. She was covered from head to toe in a scary looking rash. Off to the doctor we went. After describing the symptoms, we had a rapid strep test done and discovered it was strep. I, of course, could not understand how that was possible since she had not had a soar throat, fever or any other symptoms you would normally associate with strep. So we learned about a new thing ~ Scarlet fever~ apparently the skin version of strep. Leave it to Alexandra to bring home something new

Monday, February 15, 2010

Working From Home!

Have you ever noticed daycare is closed every chance they get. I mean really, you pay all this money per week, but it seems like they are always closed during your scheduled working days. I was the one who picked the short straw and was able to stay home with them this past President's Day! Lucky me. I had so much stuff to do, that I decided it would be a good idea to work from home a little. Anthony is into everything, so I broke out the pack n play for a little caged fun. Alexandra, of course, was feeling left out, so she decided to play in it as well. Worked perfectly - got some things accomplished and they had a great time.